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[G5R]∎ Download Free TimeLordDawn of the White Spirit edition by William Hunsucker Literature Fiction eBooks

TimeLordDawn of the White Spirit edition by William Hunsucker Literature Fiction eBooks

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Download PDF TimeLordDawn of the White Spirit  edition by William Hunsucker Literature  Fiction eBooks

In the year 2087, after the Third World War, the nations of the world have come together to sign into law a treaty promising each nation will destroy its weapons of war and terror. Senator Tommy Garvey, the first full-blooded Native American to be elected to the Senate, has a better idea. His proposal take the weapons back to the 19th century and arm the Indian Nation with the power necessary to take back the land stolen from them by the United States government. With the assistance of two unorthodox time travel experts, Garvey's plan is set into motion and America's history-and its future-will be altered forever.

TimeLordDawn of the White Spirit edition by William Hunsucker Literature Fiction eBooks

What would you do if you could travel through time? Nick Slade takes a job because of his unique skills and one very interesting piece of equipment: a working time machine.....

The author of this novel did his research well. I personally wonder how much work the author put in before he ever put pen to paper (sorry, I'm old school) and began to write this tale. For me, it was a real page turner, so to speak. I regretted every time that I had to shut down my Kindle app so I could go back to work and/or go to bed.

I believe this novel is a great example of what alternate history could be as a genre. It's definitely a good read.

Product details

  • File Size 1088 KB
  • Print Length 421 pages
  • Publisher William Hunsucker; 1st edition edition (December 7, 2010)
  • Publication Date December 7, 2010
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read TimeLordDawn of the White Spirit  edition by William Hunsucker Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : TimeLord:Dawn of the White Spirit - Kindle edition by William Hunsucker. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading TimeLord:Dawn of the White Spirit.,ebook,William Hunsucker,TimeLord:Dawn of the White Spirit,William Hunsucker,FICTION Thrillers,FICTION Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction Military
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TimeLordDawn of the White Spirit edition by William Hunsucker Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

I really enjoyed this book and found the story extremely interesting. The "what if" really drew me in besides liking the characters. For me traveling from present time to past, back to the present, etc., I liked. Some of the battle scenes were pretty bloody but it moved the story along. SPOILER The fact all the chiefs came together, that was great. Excellent read.
To start off, there are a lot of characters in this book. While they are not all important, they all have some impact on the events that take place. What is amazing though is the author was able to write them all in in such a way that you know who they are without having to think back to the beginning of the book to remember. There is some character development amongst most of them, but the few main characters you get right into the heads of. Very well written and amazingly entertaining. Not knowing (or really caring) much about the Indian Wars, I was reading this book more for the time travel elements...but it made me actually care and got me feeling for both sides of the battles. I found it very hard to put this book down with how fast things were moving (in the past and the future) and seeing how infallible even the weapons of today are against weapons of our past was really exciting. I am very interested to read what else this author can produce!
So you don't like your present, hey just go back in time and change it. What a ride! I loved the plot line of the Native Americans gaining their rightful place in history. Take the time, you will enjoy this one.
This is the second time travel/alternate history/Native American story I've read this month through . Though both have the same plot, each told their stories differently. TIME LORD is much darker than the previous book I read. This book added a new twist I don't remember reading in other books. What happened to the family tree of the character? If a character is a threat, there's only one way to 'remedy' it. Quite interesting, if I say so myself. Shades of BACK TO THE FUTURE!

Though I'm only one-third through the book, I am finding the story and the characters interesting. Yet, I'm forcing myself to continue. As with other books, I'm fighting with the structure. It should've gone through some very heavy editing. Dialogue and paragraphs begins at the left margin instead of being indented. One character's dialogue follows another without the proper breaks. It becomes confusing when you're wondering why a character is speaking for another.

Believe me when I say it's an enjoyable read. I only hope if there's a sequel, it's edited better.
The time travel issues still prevail but I like the theme, like Bill and teds excellent adventure
Timelord is an exciting work that keeps you coming back for more. Just try to put it down, no matter what has recently occured you are left wanting more. Time travel is an interesting concept and while there may be some concern over reality the author weaves his tale in a most engrossing manner.

I'm a huge fan of time-travel books. I enjoy the waves and results that occur when something in the past is manipulated or even interacted with when it originally wasn't. What blows this story beyond any kind of enjoyment for me is how the lead characters interact with individuals 200+ years in the past, come back to the present, and then go back to the past so they can help them accomplish something. Um, guess what? If you give someone a gun 200+ years ago and they intend to shoot someone with it, when you come back to the future, they'll have done it. You'll be able to read about it. The occurrence doesn't just "not happen" until you go back and watch it. There were many typos in this story, misspellings, horrible punctuation and, in one spot, one of the characters name's misspelled!! Hey!! YOU created this guy, and you can't even spell his name?? I'm currently 29% into this book and have fought myself to keep from just deleting it before I finish. It's THAT frustrating. I gave it 2 stars because some of the material is ok.

Update I got to 34% read in this book and deleted it. The lead character can now teleport from Point 1 to Point 2 with his time travel device. Had he gone back in time to before Point 2 was built and then time-traveled forward on that spot, I'd have been fine. But to teleport from outside to inside? And the fact that some people "remember" and will eventually forget someone that they know that the lead character has gone back in time and killed? If the person was killed before Person #2 met them, there's no way for them to REMEMBER them!! Too many problems with the "facts" in this book. I enjoy fiction but come on!!
What would you do if you could travel through time? Nick Slade takes a job because of his unique skills and one very interesting piece of equipment a working time machine.....

The author of this novel did his research well. I personally wonder how much work the author put in before he ever put pen to paper (sorry, I'm old school) and began to write this tale. For me, it was a real page turner, so to speak. I regretted every time that I had to shut down my app so I could go back to work and/or go to bed.

I believe this novel is a great example of what alternate history could be as a genre. It's definitely a good read.
Ebook PDF TimeLordDawn of the White Spirit  edition by William Hunsucker Literature  Fiction eBooks

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